
Balearic Islands

One of the most emblematic places of the Mediterranean, where its natural harbour stands out, considered one of the most beautiful in the world. The city of Maó, as well as the island of Menorca, generates an important tourist activity that shares space with the traditional agriculture and industry.


The municipality

Balearic Islands

The Municipality of Maó (Menorca, Spain) is one of the most emblematic places of the Mediterranean, where its natural harbor stands out, considered one of the most beautiful in the world. The city of Maó, as well as the island of Menorca, generates an important tourist activity that shares space with the traditional agriculture and industry.

The beauty of its coasts, beaches and cliffs, as well as its agricultural landscapes drawn between dry stone walls, are a major tourist attraction.

At the same time, the livestock activity carried out in the single-family farms forms the characteristic landscape of the Menorcan countryside, which has allowed to maintain the ecological balance and has made possible the declaration of Menorca as a Biosphere Reserve by the UNESCO. This is the wonderful landscape where the PDO Mahón-Menorca cheese is produced, the basis of a gastronomy rich in products from both land and sea.

The cheese

The Mahón-Menorca Cheese, Protected Designation of Origin, is exclusive to the Island of Menorca. Milk from cows fed on the island’s forages, is used to produce it, and a millenary traditional method that has been maintained from parents to children. Afterwards, the wind, the humidity and the light of Menorca are responsible for providing the cheese with its peculiar, intense and unmistakable flavor, which has become the most valued attribute by consumers.

These factors liken to its peculiar square shape with rounded edges and its characteristic orange color, give Mahon-Menorca Cheese its own unique personality, which makes it a great culinary jewel capable of improving the essence of our best dishes. Enjoy all its varieties: tender, soft, semi-cured, characteristic and unmistakable, and cured, a delight for cheese lovers. The PDO Seal is the only guarantee of quality and authenticity for the consumer. The Regulatory Council certifies the cheeses, guaranteeing their origin and quality with a numbered back label.


The European Cheese Route Association develops different projects related to the agri-food and tourism sectors.

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